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Top Six Study Resources That High School Students Need To Know About

Published on June 23, 2021


Top Six Study Resources That High School Students Need To Know About


Coming into high school can be extremely stressful. It feels like the workload increases a hundredfold and the pressure of assessments can cause great academic anxiety. It doesn’t matter if you’re in ninth grade or twelfth, the absolute confusion is prevalent. Questioning literally everything you’re doing is completely normal and nearly every single student goes through the same.

Finding your own way of doing things can be hard, but something that definitely helps is online resources. The internet is an amazing place, you can learn about anything in the world within the span of an hour and students can seriously use it to their advantage. It’s the Digital Age after all. Plus, e-learning has grown so much more popular, especially during the pandemic. So, we present you with a list of educational resources that every high school student needs to know about:

Khan Academy

Most of us have probably already used Khan Academy. It’s a non-profit educational organisation that provides students with online tools to educate themselves. It has comprehensive video lessons and other supplementary resources and exercises. It provides courses in subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics and more. You can learn about literally anything on the site and for free at that. Revision becomes much easier as you take external lessons outside of your classrooms, and are able to easily practice and apply the things you learn. You can learn at your own pace and personalize learning and it covers many subjects from grades K-12. High schoolers can even find free SAT practice questions and tests.


There are many cognitive benefits to learning a new language. It enhances memory, problem-solving skills, and intelligence. Duolingo is a language-learning website and app which provides a digital language proficiency assessment exam. It has enough materials for students to learn as much of a language. The bite-sized lessons are an effective and efficient way to learn a new language. It’s free of charge, though it does offer premium benefits for a fee. Learning with duolingo can be enjoyable and addictive. It gives fun exercises, through which you can earn points and level up.


Doing courses online let’s you explore your limits and see what you really like. You can also revise and learn more about a subject in your syllabus to understand it fully. Coursera works with universities and other organisations to offer courses, degrees and certification in a variety of topics. You can be taught by professors from Ivy League universities and other renowned educational institutions like the University of Pennsylvania, Duke and Stanford. By taking these advanced courses, you can enjoy learning and pass your time in a productive way.

The Pomodoro Timer

If you need help focusing and managing your time in an efficient way, this technique may be perfect for you. The Pomodoro Timer Technique is a time management technique for people prone to procrastination. You can just just get started on a project without having to think about it too much. All that’s required is a timer and a to-do. The traditional technique is working in intervals of 25 minutes with a 3-5 minute break in between, and a longer, 10-15 minute break after 4 sessions (pomodoros). This is what makes the technique so effective and the tasks less daunting. One important aspect of this technique is that when you start your timer you have to direct your attention only to the task you’re doing. This helps combat distractions and break down complex projects into smaller, easier to handle pieces. It greatly increases productivity and gives you a sense of accomplishment, encouraging you to work more in the future.


This is a resource mostly for students studying in an international board and is incredibly helpful. The website has exam papers organised by topic and difficulty. Though it does cost money to unlock certain features of the website, it is definitely worth it to have it down as one of your favourite resources. It has topic questions and revision notes that let you hear up for your examinations and it lets you learn from the best. Entrusted by top schools like Eton, Winchester and St. Paul’s, this site puts together amazing resources that help students score brilliantly in their assessments.

Google Scholar

Until recently, this resource was not known about by many but it’s popularity has increased. It is a freely accessible research engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Using Google Scholar for research is extremely effective and saves time as it helps you readily locate academic sources.You can search about a wide variety of topics and materials including articles, books, research reports etc. The website offers a simple user interface and is open to the public. You can even save articles and citations you may want to use later. It is one of the best tools a student can use and has been wonderfully helpful for many.

All of these resources have aided so many people greatly. If you relate to these feelings of confusion and anxiety then you should definitely check them out to see if they could help you. It’s a great idea and comes highly recommended, so even going to the main website and reading about the resource would be a big first step.

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blog | 4min Read

From the Ardent Reader’s Eyes: How to Write the Right Way?

Published on May 19, 2021


From the Ardent Reader’s Eyes: How to Write the Right Way?


I was 12 when I was left spellbound. I had just read the Harry Potter franchise. And I couldn’t help but marvel at how the author had crafted such a myriad of magical elements, deadly mysteries, heart-wrenching losses and awe-inspiring friendships. All contained in that stack of seven books. And that was when I realised the power of writing. Be it historical moments like the stroke of midnight of 14 August 1947, when Jawaharlal Nehru delivered his famous ‘A Tryst with Destiny’. That written speech is still taught to students in high school and has the ability to inspire. As an ardent reader, I can vouch that persuasive writing can do wonders.

But why even write?

Now, all of us won’t end up as a laureate like Shakespeare, but that’s the thing about writing. It’s an outlet to express your feelings- love, frustration, anger, grief, hope, guilt etc. Nothing is right and wrong or better and worse. When you write, you just vent out your pent up emotions.

Writing is a great weapon when it comes to fighting for social change and empowerment, which is wielded by the likes of Amanda Gorman and Maya Angelou. Words are an embodiment of what you believe in. You just have to channel your experiences and inner self into them.

With writing, we can forge realms of fantasies and fictions, which bring in a much-needed escape and respite from the real world. If one isn’t happy or satisfied with their reality, they get to write their own version of it. Writing gives wings to the stranded mind.

So, to all the budding writers reading this article, here is a novice’s guide to kick-start and develop your writing journey.

Start small. Start now.

You can begin small and then build up. Start with writing a personal journal, just for yourself. Be open and honest since there is no one to judge. Observe your progress gradually. You can even try your hand at poetry. Inculcate the habit of writing daily. You can go on to create social media handles and websites where you can publish your work as blogs. Validation from the public will act as an incentive and be a great confidence booster. You also get to collaborate with like-minded individuals on the social network. You can showcase your talent via any medium.


Books are the keys that unlock the realm of imagination. They broaden our perspectives, open up new horizons, and nourish our mind. If you wish to be a wordsmith, being an avid reader is indispensable. Your experience as a reader will help you grow into a writer.

Don’t commit a faux pas.

Get your facts and grammar straight. It is of utmost importance that your content is grammatically and factually correct. A mistake in this regard is as bad as making a fashion faux pas at the Cannes red carpet. To steer clear of such a predicament, cultivate a habit of running your written pieces through the Grammarly scan.

Don’t be like Shashi Tharoor, aka a “walking dictionary”.

While it’s a good practice to have dictionaries for breakfast, it’s not wise to use too many jargons or tough, uncommon words in your content. Or else it starts to sound like gobbledygook. If a reader has to look up the meanings more than twice, their flow breaks, which results in them losing their interest.

Maintain brevity. Be straightforward.

Your content has to be concise and crystal clear. Don’t beat around the bush unnecessarily. No one has all the time in the world to read what you’ve written. Your writing and its purpose should be conspicuous at the first skim.

Ensure coherence and fluency.

It is understood that using elaborate and sophisticated adjectives and adverbs is tempting, but it makes your content all the more time-consuming to read. Try and use more nouns and verbs. Here’s an example for you:

He fastly ran up the hill.

The above sentence can be replaced by the following one:

He shot up the hill.

There’s always a good chance of a single verb replacing your lengthy adjective or adverb.

Know your audience.

You need to be well-aware of your target audience and have knowledge of what they want or care about. This allows you to tailor your writing in a way that is more impactful and valuable to them.

Support your arguments with facts.

Whenever you have to prove your point or win an argument, support it with factual and statistical data. It creates a strong impression and makes it hard for someone to dismiss it.

Show, don’t tell.

To the Potterheads reading this, remember that scene from Deathly Hallows when the Battle of Hogwarts was being fought? Remember yearning for a more emotive end of Fred, Tonks and Lupin? Remember craving more of rejoicing when the battle was won? But for heaven’s sake, J.K. Rowling wouldn’t give it to us! And that’s precisely what makes the Harry Potter franchise so phenomenal. Good writers don’t exaggerate with words, which allows the readers to live the story. They don’t give them the complete satisfaction, which leaves the readers reeling for more, keeping them on the edge of their seats.

Add a personal touch.

This is the cherry on the top. A personal touch can never go wrong. It helps the reader to relate and forms a good connection with them. It makes the piece honest and genuine. A huge example can be seen in the Harry Potter franchise, again, wherein J.K. Rowling has depicted her own childhood in the bespectacled protagonist’s aka Harry’s life.

Given that these are some of the vital ingredients for writing a decent piece, the crux lies in channelising your thoughts, manifesting your emotions, and weaving the words in a gripping way. Start with a heightened passion, add zeal, and mix in your creativity and observation skills. You’ll end up creating quite a convincing piece of art.

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blog | 4min Read

Playing To One’s Peculiarity? Know the Advantages of Introversion & Extroversion

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Playing To One’s Peculiarity? Know the Advantages of Introversion & Extroversion

The Introvert/Extrovert Spectrum
Everyone has different personalities which make us all fit in or stand out. Introversion or extroversion is something that is used often to classify or define someone’s personality. Most individuals probably have an inclination about where they lie on this spectrum, but how can you know for sure?

To answer this question, psychologists and other intellectuals have created tests such as the MBTI, the Enneagram, and the DISC profile. These evaluations are mostly based on assessing how an individual prefers to spend their time. The main difference between the two is that introverts tend to get their energy from within while extroverts get it from the people around them instead.

Stereotype Shutdown

Introverts seem to have pulled the short stick and sometimes tend to get a poor rapport for being shy and socially awkward. It’s often said that they don’t make good leaders; however the aforementioned is far from an accurate definition of introversion. As a matter of fact, introversion in no way, shape, or form hampers communication. Saying that introverts don’t communicate or lead with great influence is another false perception of them. Just look at introverted entrepreneurial leaders across business, literature, science, and activism who have changed the world – including Bill Gates, J.K. Rowling, Rosa Parks, and Mark Zuckerberg to name a few.

There are some common misconceptions about extroverts as well. They’re not all overconfident, gregarious and obnoxious and need time to recharge as well.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

These traits really don’t have much to do with it and introversion is more based on if:

  • You enjoy spending time alone

  • You prefer quality time with one or two people over spending time with bigger groups of friends

  • You need alone time to rest and recharge after a busy workday or period of activity

  • You can get lost in your thoughts easily and need time to process and think through most things

Being an extrovert also has more to do with if:

  • You prefer spending your time around other people and dislike being alone

  • You like crowds, parties and other gatherings with lots of new people

  • You need quality time with others to help you recharge

  • You’re outgoing, talkative, and like being the center of attention

Taking Advantage

Knowing yourself and your personality can be a powerful tool and it can help you be more self-aware. Personality types and characteristics are advantageous in recognising how we lead, influence, communicate, collaborate, and manage stress. Understanding why you are the way you are and why you do the things you do can go a long way. It can allow you to play to your strengths and address your weaknesses, but most of all it can help you be happier by first telling you how you’re most comfortable.

Being an introvert can actually be quite advantageous. Their strengths are sometimes overlooked but they can often be irreplaceable assets in a team as:

  • They’re really good listeners: Introverts process information internally, which allows them to fully hear and understand what’s being said. This makes them naturally adept at actively listening.

  • They think before they speak: Introverts like to carefully consider their words before speaking, which can make what they say insightful and impactful. This also makes them less prone to knee-jerk reactions in both online and physical settings.

  • They’re observant: When introverts are in a room, they can read the body language and facial expressions of others well. This makes them better at interpersonal communication.

  • They make deep connections: Introverts choose who to engage with carefully and wisely. When they do, they are attentive, loyal, and committed which helps establish deeper connections.

Extroverts also play big roles in making a team what it is and are indispensable in their own way as:

  • They radiate enthusiasm: Extroverts bring electric energy to social situations. They love to engage with others, and it shows what makes speaking with them extremely enjoyable.

  • They work well in group settings: They’re highly sociable and confident. Due to this, they’re able to easily network and navigate through social situations.

  • They’re determined: Extroverts aren’t afraid to put in the work or talk to the right people to make your goals happen. This helps them be more successful and faster.

  • They’re curious: Curiosity may be what killed the cat, but it benefits extroverts. They have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and are willing to ask questions to get where they want to.

Your personality is uniquely yours, whether it extends to introversion or extroversion. There’s nothing wrong with either, they’re just ways to describe where you draw your energy from and both can be taken advantage of. Once one fully understands their personality and realises the advantages of it, the opportunities are endless. Just a simple 10 minute test like the Enneagram can help you shape your future better. From then on, one can work towards being truly happy by only learning how to play to their peculiarity.

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blog Entrepreneurship | 3min Read

Crash Course On What Really Makes a Person an Entrepreneur

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blog Entrepreneurship

Crash Course On What Really Makes a Person an Entrepreneur


What makes a person an entrepreneur? Is it genetic? Can you trap it?

The word “entrepreneur” nowadays, appears to be thrown around anywhere for anybody doing anything. It’s used to explain celebrities and commercial enterprise tycoons like Beyoncé, Elon Musk, Marie Kondo, and Jessica Alba. But your cousin who keeps mentioning his idea for coffee-flavored toothpaste would possibly make the list too!

Entrepreneurs pop-up in all varieties of industries and may have broadly distinctive backgrounds. Some construct personal brands, while others work tirelessly on a physical product they believe in. Really, all and sundry may be an entrepreneur, given that there’s an idea and the proper gear to develop it right into a purposeful commercial enterprise.

It really is the result of grit, determination, and a fair bit of luck. Entrepreneurs are often outlined as “trailblazing,” “innovative,” “problem-solving,” “passionate,” and on and on. These may all be tendencies that entrepreneurs can strive for. But, at its core, an entrepreneur is a person who sees a need and takes at the financial chance to begin a business to fill that need.

Your concept may take the shape of a physical product with a physical store — known as a brick and mortar commercial enterprise. Or as opposed to a tangible product, your project could be a countrywide empowerment network.

There’s also been a shift in the worldwide job market that has opened the door for entrepreneurship to emerge as more mainstream. Specifically, the rise of the Gig Economy. Contract work, known as gigging, has become more popular and is taking on greater of the labor market. Where, instead of a long-time period wherein employees are paid salaries through the hour or year, agencies are quickly hiring humans for particular projects. This shift has made it financially less complicated for marketers to locate people to get their companies going, without committing long-time to pay the employees.

Entrepreneurs itch for extra independence. In the gig economic system, you can have multiple methods to make cash, with or without that nine-to-five job. Having separate jobs also can offer a stronger sense of income security than one full-time job. Even if you lose one, you will still be making money. All hail the side-hustle!

Today’s entrepreneurs are well-suited for the economic system because we understand the way to hustle. We’re unbiased thinkers who are comfortable with growing our numerous income streams, advertising and marketing ourselves, and connecting with others.

Even still, entrepreneurship isn’t easy. Taking a monetary gamble is stressful, and so is operating lengthy hours to try to get a mission off the ground. However, as entrepreneurs we believe in ourselves. Yes, there’s economic danger in beginning an enterprise, but there’s money in running a successful one. Entrepreneurial lore is full of rags-to-riches tales, in which human beings pitch the subsequent Snapchat and are released into the enterprise stratosphere. Like, Oprah Winfrey has stated, she spent her early life wearing overalls made of potato sacks. But today, she has become North America’s first black multi-billionaire and “Queen of the Daytime Talkshow.”

But we also need to keep in mind that every entrepreneur with a big success has additionally had masses of failures. It’s not that successful entrepreneurs in no way faced failure; it’s that they didn’t quit. So the bottom line is that every person can be an entrepreneur with a touch of grit, loads of determination, and a bit of luck.

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blog Communication | 4min Read

5 Benefits of Effective Communication Training Programs

Published on May 10, 2021

blog Communication

5 Benefits of Effective Communication Training Programs


Do you hesitate from speaking in front of mass or going to a stage when given the opportunity to speak or present? Aren’t you able to express your ideas effectively? If yes, don’t worry you’re not alone.We have all gone through that fear of not being good enough or being made fun of but you know what that shouldn’t stop us from grabbing the opportunities to learn and grow.

The ability to communicate information to another person effectively and efficiently is known as effective communication. And it does not necessarily come from fluency in a particular language; it comprises information exchange, listening and understanding. Therefore, it is important for you to start at an early age to build confidence and become the strong individual youto aspire to be.

Don’t worry you don’t have to do it alone. There are many student mentorship programmes, online courses and education consultants who can help you improve your communication skills.

Especially a fully curated communication course can do wonders for you in terms of leadership development, negotiation, public speaking , presenting etc.

Here are a few reasons why you should enroll in an Effective Communication course:

Benefits of Effective Communication Training Programs

  1. Communication skills help you improve your ability to INFORM:
    Learning how to effectively convey information to an audience without leaving any holes will help you in all facets of your life, including your relationships, extracurricular activities, and, most importantly, your career. Your hefty tuition bill and endless all-nighters would be pointless if you are unable to convey the knowledge for which you have spent so much time, money and efforts, studying if you lack good communication skills.

  2. Improvements in teamwork and a collaborative mindset:
    At any stage of your life be it school, personal or professional, you will always be surrounded by people – peers, teachers, parents, friends, etc. So, in order to have a compatible relationship with all these people, you must develop the necessary emotional intelligence with all the technical knowledge to make you an all rounded personality. A good communication course can help master all these traits to improve your personality as well as social skills.

  3. Listening :
    Although speaking is an important part of any communication class, the time spent sitting rather than standing in front of other students is equally important. Public speaking workshops teach essential listening skills that will help you succeed in your career. You will gain a greater understanding of others and their expectations from you if you listen rather than just hear.

  4. Boost your confidence & Persuasive Capacity:
    We all can communicate in whichever language we are comfortable with. But, It’s no secret that there’s a huge difference in communication and good communication. A good communicator is always clear with his thoughts, ideas and is often successful leaving a mark on others. With a few speeches under your belt, you’ll soon feel confident in your writing, speaking, and creative abilities.

  5. Improves Professionalism & help in career development:
    Effective speaking skills is not only about speech but also how you should speak. Communication workshops stress on the presentation, listening, Analysis, Personal Expression, coordination and collaboration which are highly valued in the job market. There you will observe how different people interact and You’ll eventually find that everyone has their own way of speaking and articulation. Furthermore, during such training, you receive input from your fellow learners, which will help determine which aspect of communication you are already proficient in and the areas you can work on.

No matter what major you are, at some point you’ll have to persuade, influence, and inspire others to alter their opinions, intentions, and attitudes at some stage. These abilities can be honed by with a meticulously designed communication course or training programme, which usually includes a unit of convincing speeches. Here, you’ll learn important aspects of effective persuasion, such as body language, developing the ethos, voice modulation, articulation and even working on the content of your speech that appeals to the audience.

We, The Big Red Group, believe that Communication skills training is important for students because communication is at the heart of successful working relationships and affirms high success. That’s why we go an extra mile for curating student oriented communication courses and training programmes guided by Shaizia Jifri Manekshaw who helps the student with her interactive session filled with visuals and drama which makes the process of learning fun and easy. There are various other indegeniuos programs that you may explore and choose as per your requirement. Also, do read the testimonials and videos by our students who have attended our workshops.

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