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3 Ways Of Going About Your Career

Published on January 20, 2021

blog Higher Education

3 Ways Of Going About Your Career

Just like a coin, a dice, or any other multifaceted thing in the world, there’s never only one way to go about doing things. Conventionally? Yes. However, realistically? No. Similarly, there are numerous ways to go about making your career. We like to assume that most of them have been discovered, but in today’s ever-changing times, we shouldn’t be surprised if a new, never-before trodden career path emerges because of some kid who believed in their abilities.

We dug into this matter further and discovered 3 profound ways of embarking upon your career.

1. Bolting

The people who sprint through their careers are usually characterized as being ready, willing, and able. Such students start early. They select a degree and stick with it, allowing them to learn and advance through internships that look more and more impressive each year. Some people have the dream job waiting for them after graduation; others with eagle-like excellent long-distance vision concentrate and move from one job to the other, up the career ladder. They have little to no student loans, which helps them in choosing jobs without regard to pay. But pace is not the only defining characteristic of this group. Some are unrushed but methodical, putting together the building blocks for a promising career by investing in personal capital, possibly in graduate or vocational schools, before the job market is hit.

2. Strolling

These are students that are unsure and pursue an uncertain path. Usually, this involves lesser planning or a sudden lack of interest in their previously chosen profession. In today’s world when the master’s or postgraduate degree has become the new bachelor’s degree, it has become even harder to plan and select one major that would enhance our capabilities for the job market post-graduation. Even after that, about 30 percent of college graduates are back in school within two years. Graduate school offers structure and guidance. These students usually have a blurred idea of what they want to do with their lives, and more often than not do not consider a gap year as a practical option to discover their interests or explore majors in different ways due to the conservative thinking of their parents. However, after much pondering and understanding, they too find their perfect fit for a career.

3. Drifting

Many stragglers struggle after high school to find viable career choices. They either choose to stay home and get work or enter the family business if that’s an option. They might hop, skip and jump from one career path to another. However, a longer life expectancy for today’s children means that we could define new paths to adulthood in various ways. We should no longer think of college as a place in our lives that must be visited at 18 years of age. Nevertheless, educators and advisers keep pushing families on a one-size-fits-all route. It is nearly inconceivable to think differently on when a college education should take place as a parent in our hyper-competitive society — the result is that it has become more difficult than ever to forge a path to a satisfying career and a meaningful life. We may also argue that the pathway is more gradual and varied than it was a few decades ago. Traditional milestones like marriage and parental ties are now not the beginning, but the end of adulthood.

No career journey is inferior or superior to the other, it might only take a little longer or quicker in terms of pace and age before you get there. And as long as you have faith in yourself, you will harness the abilities and skills needed to develop a unique and shining career that is tailored to your liking like none other.

Furthermore, the issue is that colleges have sought to improve the predictability for a four-year experience by incorporating substantial guidance and related programs so that basically everything is done to ensure that students graduate and then secure a job. However, this also discourages students from gaining the strength they need to handle risks as adults and excel in an unforeseen profession. There are also career counselling programs for students that are curated to help you identify the right career for you.

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